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Posts tagged “Jong Shin

CNBlue Showcase in Singapore

…I officially admit it. I’m a fangirl. I can’t deny it! It’s probably a bad thing, and I really do have to stop, especially since the holes this being-a-fangirl-thing is burning in my pockets have started to expand…

CNBlue in UCC

Still, the CNBlue showcase in Singapore was pretty awesome and totally worth the SGD $88 (+$2 booking fee + $1 collection fee) I spent on a Category 3 seat. The showcase was held at NUS’s UCC (University Cultural Centre…ahhhh…fond memories there…) and since I knew the layout pretty well, I managed to wrangle really decent seats for Category 3 (Row V, just in front of the sound control box).

The showcase was meant to start at 3 pm but, naturally, started late. Still, it lasted a solid hour and a half, so I wasn’t too fussed. As usual, lots of screaming randomly when stagehands ran off the stage, or media were snapping photos onstage, and when the stage blacked out. Hilariously, there was this guy who yelled, “YONGHWA!!!” as the stage blacked out in preparation for their showcase, and there was a split-second of stunned silence and then everyone in the audience broke out laughing. It was mean but…fanboy much?

YONGHWAAA! ...except mine would be "MIN HYUKKKKK!"

YONGHWAAA! ...except I'm really into MIN HYUKKKKK!

The boys sang quite a few songs, which I don’t quite remember the order of. I think they started with Let’s Go Crazy, and went on to Love Revolution. They were going to sing I’m A Loner when Min Hyuk discovered an issue with his ear-piece and had to get the technicians to fix it, so lovely Jong Hyun entertained us with a verse of Sunday Morning (by Maroon 5) until Min Hyuk’s ear-piece was fixed (and even during the song I’m A Loner, the technicians came running on stage to try and get it fixed!).

Jonghyun with his version of Sunday Morning - he's fairly decent, and his English pronunciation was more or less there, and his voice was gorgeously melting as he sang this...he almost but not quite convinced me to abandon Min Hyuk fandom for him!

After that, they sang Love Light and Love, and then they broke for an interview session. The interview session basically consisted of the host asking them questions that fans wanted answered, like – “Will you ever write a song for boys?” (The fans’ response to that was hilarious) – “Have you tried Singapore’s chilli crab?” (Answer: Heard a lot about it, and we have a ‘schedule’ to go try it out) etc. Lots of fans were randomly screaming SNSD out whenever Yonghwa tried to answer any question, which was on one hand, vaguely annoying, and on the other, quite entertaining especially when you monitor his reaction, which was a mix of exasperation and resignation. (They did that when he was asked, “Which artist, Korean or otherwise, would you most like to collaborate with?” and wisely enough he answered, “Jason Mraz.” Since Mraz is a favourite of mine, Yonghwa gets brownie points. Min Hyuk has all the rest of the brownies for being so hot with the drums, and Jong Hyun has a couple for being able to sing. Jong Shin is…just…Avatar. LOL)

JongVATAR! He's kinda cute when he flips his hair back.

They ended off the interview by granting fans’ “wishes” like getting hugs, receiving autographed CDs, being serenaded by the boys and receiving a “personal item” from each of the boys (a shirt from Jong Shin, a guitar pick from both Jong Hyun and Yonghwa and a pair of drumsticks from Min Hyuk). Speaking of the guitar picks, both Jong Hyun and Yonghwa kept tossing theirs out to the audience in front and then having to surreptitiously sneak another pick out from their back pocket. Then the fanclub surprised them with a cake, and a fanvideo, which was sorta sweet. After which the boys went off-stage and we almost thought that was the end of the set…but fortunately it wasn’t.

They came out to finish off the showcase with I’m A Loner (Burning Version), One Time and Now Or Never. When they were finally done, a lot of people were really reluctant to leave, since…y’know…it’s possible they could come out for another set…except, nah. They didn’t. Still, the showcase was awesome, I got kickass videos (they banned videography but seriously, how the hell will you stop 500-over insane fans from whipping out their cameras?) and some really fantastic close up pictures (especially considering how faraway I was sitting). Ran out of SPACE on my memory stick midway through the interview (which was a damn pity!!) but at least it meant I got to enjoy the rest of the songs without having to worry about recording them since…well…it wasn’t like I had anything to record with.

I’ll probably put the videos up on YT but make them private so if you want to watch them, please PM me or leave a comment and I’ll get back to you. In the meantime…

CN to the BLUE